
AI Prosys

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A Website Built for Career and Performance Coaching

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About Client

Noor Coaching is a company specializing in Coaching, Consulting, and Training services, offering clients the necessary support, expertise, and a platform to achieve optimal performance and growth.

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Project Overview

AI Prosys was contacted by Noor coaching to build an informative and user-friendly website. This new web presence was expected to match the highest usability standards and communicate the organization mission.

About the project

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1 Month

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Team Size

2 Specialist

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Project Outcome

In response to a customer request, we assisted in the launch of the organization's website. The application was meticulously developed in adherence to the highest coding standards and guidelines. Our primary objective was to create a completely new web-based solution, emphasizing the optimization of user experience. Working closely with the customer, our team of experts followed the latest web design practices and standards. Embracing the principle of simplicity, we aimed to guide users toward essential elements. The website's high responsivity ensures a consistent appearance across all browsers and devices.